Our team

Ellen Kesteloot

Ellen Kesteloot

Management, Sales

Since September 2006 Ellen has been playing her part in the sales department within Niwzi. Just as she has the guts to do a steep descent in the Belgian Ardennes, she isn’t afraid in addressing several challenges at once with great determination. Being a big fan of La Vita è Bella – the movie and the way of life – Ellen always knows how to appreciate a well-cooked meal. Design-wise, she would most likely go for that nice white Chesterfield sofa.

Alexandra Anghel

Alexandra Anghel


Alexandra is a problem solving addicted, passionate about street photography, mountain and bike loving, friendly and sometimes a bit geeky UX/UI designer that also enjoys some good front end developing. She started her career journey in this domain more than 8 years ago and she’s loved every minute of it. When she’s not at her desk working, she can easily be found on the streets photographing or with her friends, probably traveling and probably somewhere as close as possible to the mountains.

Igor Delameilleure

Igor Delameilleure


After two years of paid employment, movie buff Igor decided to continue his Niwzi-track as a freelancer, but for sure, his motivation didn’t diminish. Next to being a huge fan of the mandatory webdesign, Igor is also a nature-lover, who will never decline a sturdy hiking- or mountainbiking trip. Although he knows how to enjoy a nice movie or moving series sitting in his beloved chair too…

Bert Ide

Bert Ide

Management, Sales

Since founding the company, Bert has been responsible defining the strategic course of Niwzi Media Group. With a focus dedicated to technology, finance and controlling, Bert spearheads the continuing development of Niwzi.

Cedric Van Wassenhove

Cedric Van Wassenhove

Development, Teamleader

Since October 2014, Cedric is fulfilling the task as Teamleader Development, a job in which his inborn skill in being very immune to stress is more than just a welcome bonus. For various reasons this fan of retro music would have loved to have a dinner with late Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan and Angelina Jolie. Last but not least, Cedric highly values high-tech stuff. We are just waiting until he shows up at work wearing an Apple Watch around his wrist…

Ruud Van Der Heyden

Ruud Van Der Heyden

Content, Teamleader

Ruud has been with Niwzi since the very beginning. His role as the editor-in-chief is to ensure that Niwzi can deliver high-end editorial content, and to develop our social community. As a movie enthousiast, he’s spending a lot of time in his self-constructed mancave, where classic movies like North by Northwest, as well as more recent blockbusters are being played in al their glory.

Sofie Bruneel

Sofie Bruneel


That gentle voice that will be greeting you when you give Niwzi a call, belongs to Sofie. Ever since the beginning of 2013, she’s the one that is pulling the strings to give customers a satisfying solution as quickly as possible. She’s always in for a party, but if she only could possess a vacuum cleaning robot, maybe she could have more time in doing so.

Duong Nguyen

Duong Nguyen


Duong is an adaptable, proficient software developer in a wide variety of languages and methodologies, who sets and achieves high standards consistently, enjoying self development as well as learning new things.

Pieter Verroken

Pieter Verroken


Don’t be deceived by his age or his youthful looks: Pieter is one mature Magic-magician who succeeded on very short notice in showing himself as a beacon of programming-knowledge. With Skyrim and The Hobbit as examples, Pieter seems to be a huge fan of the Fantasy genre, though it’s likely that the Lamborghini Aventador he’s been dreaming of will remain fantasy as well…
